Fail Comments
THAT IS AN EPIC WIN...for the ball
helluva time for a snack...
OHHHH so thats how you do it iv been doing it wrong
not in the face not in the face!........damnit
i hate when a low throw bounces n hits ya in the face..
Look at the gay face behind :D
It's not like soccer you can't use your head ... but somethings you need !
he likes balls to the face
boom headshot
this wouldnt b the first time hes had balls in this face
This is what happens when a scout(TF2)hits a ball with the sandman bat XD
Terminator with glasses behind you!
Fuck you! this one imma catch with my teeth!
Just keep your eye on it.
the real reason Justin beiber took up singing instead of sports
well he still caught the ball...with his face so 5 points woo hoo
Its mr P! (the guy in red fool)
what a dog
and... Phillies WON ... hell yeah!!!
No Scope!
open up your mouth, here comes the chu chu train!
neat little invention called a mask.. pretty common in baseball.
it seems he thinks his face is the glove
Sliding Win.
why not hit my ball!!!!!!!
this should be on perfectly time photos too!
harry fucking potter fail!
Dude, you suck balls
catching base balls: YOUR'E DOING IT WRONG!!!
That guy's out.
Ah, yes. Red vs Blue
You're Doing It WRONG!!! lol the captcha read "heads up"
"i shpuld have played for the yankees. they have free dental."
he is sucking the ball
Lol. And his hands are WAY down there.
You're Doing It WRONG!!! lol the captcha read "heads up"
why fail? he's putting their hands like that to pick his teeth...
You're Doing It WRONG!!! lol the captcha read "heads up"
Bigger fail than the photo: "It's not like soccer you can't use your head ... but somethings you need !"
THAT IS AN EPIC WIN...for the ball