Fail Comments
Whoo hoo, what a cute-looking line of... OH MY GOD!
WALK AROUND to the other side, and: you'll see that these are bunch of skinny men in bikinis, and the one in the RED SKIRT is the only woman in this picture!
Put her in the middle and soar, great falcon, soar...
"One of these things is not like the other..."
ahh. the wing woman to make the skinny ugly girls look better!
OK, who ate girl number 12. We started with 12 girls but now we only have 11. Nobody leaves until I get an answer.
Another Florida sinkhole in 3...2...1...
The coven bid ado to the scarifice... now they just needed one more victim!
Whoo hoo, what a cute-looking line of... OH MY GOD!