Fail Comments
my favorite song by them is Angle of Death
the car looks angry with the tape on the headlights
You should label you car BEFORE arriving and having some beer at Wacken!
Taking the band to whole new level!
He always tried to combine his love for BOATS and HEAVY METAL
He's obviously in the Navy. Duh!
Like when 'c' is omitted from 'Marcy' when you have it tattooed on you for your wife.
bllack tape ftw?
What shall we do with the drunken SAYLER...?
He's Popeye the Sayler man, toot toot ------
Only one word: Dylsexia!.. ah...dysleyyia..aa.dydy... dys.. lexia, dyslexia I mean...
how Tea Party members celebrate their music
Popeye The Sayler Man
Yar! Talk like a Metal Pirate Day is here.
If they liked it they would have spelled it right.
From Siegen... LOL
my favorite song by them is Angle of Death