Fail Comments
Justin Bieber.
anyone else notice the upside down knife?
He is spreading ketchup in his arm.
silly emo, ketcup and a blunt knife wont make you look hardcore
Correction: justin beiber in 5 years...since this guy looks about 16 or 17
Nothing tastes better than arm with ketchup and attentionwhore on the side
everyone knows the sadness in an emo's blood makes it thick like ketchup. this shit is real.
coolest gloves ever.
silly emo is doing wrong, is DOWN the road not ACROSS
Rippy the razor says it's down the block, not across the street. Might as well do something right once in your life.
honey can you go out and buy some ketchup please and a cutlery set they keep going missing maybe its the damn dog again.
Down the street NOT across the road!!!
You're doing it wrong.
Failing at beginning emo
I hate everything about this guy...
He's missing a finger.
if only the emo kids would really kill themselves
Forget the ketchup and the upside-down knife... WTF is up with the mittens?? Is he sad 'cause his parents turned the heat down in the basement?
plus look at the knife - upside down! whata weenie!
keep trying little one, one day you'll make it
emo fail
wut a nub.
ketchup or not it'd still be a fail.
Fucking IDIOT!!!
Poor hungry cannibal (((
did no one notice the blade is upside down first off your a loser for using ketchup at least use the knife right
he is disturbed (I:D)--|--8=>
Justin Bieber.