Fail Comments
I wouldn't take one of your "turdles" for free, why in the world do you think I would buy one?
i thought his hair was the fail
Zombie kid likes turtles FTW
turdles make him hard
"One minute sir, I'm squeezing another turdle out right now."
And yet the BIGGEST Fail here is photographing this HIDEOUS TURD, in THOSE SHORTS!! Who do I sue for all therapy and mental bleach expenses I'm going to accrue, trying to get THIS image outta my head?!?!? The photographer, the fool who posted this or IT for even wearing those shorts?!?!?
To paraphrase Edge, this man is a big, fat, failure turdle.
lol this is just an all around failure!!
ROFL whatta returd.
Pictured above: A big, fat, failure turtle.
are they made from turds? ive been looking for them!
Jack Black?
1 inch pinch.
Tardyard sale
And they're not even turtles, by the look of it! They're tortoises!.. Or should I say: tordoiles?
i think you spelled it worng, theres no "les"
So much fail in that pic... if you go from right to left, you'll never even make it to the sign
Jack Black before SlimFast
baby turds
Has anyone noticed that the guy has an erection? Just sayin...
Hey look, it's an American!
Redneck for: Shitforbrains.
i mean the turdle in my shorts
I like turdles.
B.. O.. N.. E... R :D
Just when you thought real fashion had been lost, Turdle man comes in and totally gives us hope !!
I poop 'em
that guys name is turdles, his mum put up that sign
Dear Jack Black wannabe, You spelled somethings wrong on your sign...... 1. everybody knows that "FOR" is spelled FOUR 2. "TURDELS" has two /d/'s "TURDDELS" 3. Grammer is pitiful, can you spell that? P-I-T-I-F-U-L dude. Sales four turddles should be what your sign says. PS. I LIKE TURDDLES!!!!!! And IMMA zombie.......
I wouldn't take one of your "turdles" for free, why in the world do you think I would buy one?