Fail Comments
Our you retarded?
America's litteracy rate is stunning is it not
American school system in a nutshell
its clearly an american. theyre the only people to bitch about foreigners so stop being so damn arrogant
respect are for cuntry speek american
Get a brain, morans!
Hey buddy, in America we have this little thing called second grade, apparently you didn't attend?
The comments mentioning "Morans" refer to an internet-famous picture of a protester holding a sign that had written upon it "Get a brain! morans" [ ] Perhaps if teachers were well paid and treated with a little respect and If a little more time was spent teaching the basics rather than filling children's heads with religious nonsense, extreme patriotism and sport things would be a little better. Please note: This is English, not American.
Where is this "Are-Country?"
practically every comment here has mistakes... it's sad
"Maybe they should take a English test! =P"
Is are children learning? Clearly not.
Definition of americas education
Did nobody notice the lower case "i" amongst all the capitals?
Damn rednecks...
You First!
It should say "Respect our Country, f*ck off back to the Middle-East"
o the irony
Or yew failyare with the term "Useful Idiot"?
I'm still confused about the -
Republicans are split between smart, rich businessmen and illiterate rednecks, I wonder if perhaps one group is just playing the other for votes to create a free market in which the big businessmen can do whatever they want with their big businesses... Nah, that sort of thing doesn't happen in are-country.
Don't have to write it, Just Speak It.
are you retarded? | V
Our you retarded?