Fail Comments
"how is this a fail" Well, they're driving a gass-guzzler with a dying tree strapped to it, and stopping in the giant parking lot of a supermarket, which is inherently environmentally irresponsible. Oh, and they have a bunch of bumper stickers to let you know their opinion on everything, which is just lame.
totally irrelevant but I see a dog in there.
fail. epic fail.
he means the traffic lights
fail... a CR-V gets almost as good MPGs as a Civic.
Are you serious? You consider a Honda CRV a gas-guzzler. You must be on some sort of crack! My truck gets like 9 MPG and hell it could be worse still. Well anyways I'm off to go burn some tires and kill some animals. Have fun eco nut jobs.
Winco has a massive bulk section.
blue car, "GET GREEN" on blue car get it?Its NOT green!
omggzz no license plate #'s
i get it, paris hilton sent this on in
Oh I get it. The car is blue!
damn greenies bunch of hypocrites....
best part is that just like many Washington State residents, they buy spendy stuff in sales-tax-free Oregon (Beaverton is in Oregon btw). The pseudo-environmentalists with the SUV & the tree at a WinCo is fucking hilarious, too though.
Honda CRV gets 20 city 26 highway....not a fail, it could of been a that would've been a fail.
it isnt a real tree!
"how is this a fail" Well, they're driving a gass-guzzler with a dying tree strapped to it, and stopping in the giant parking lot of a supermarket, which is inherently environmentally irresponsible. Oh, and they have a bunch of bumper stickers to let you know their opinion on everything, which is just lame.