Fail Comments
nobody else sees the black man under the truck?
his laughing and shiting wood !!
That dosen't go there....
hard boner
luckly it didnt Fail on him
hey did jimmy get out of the truck?
WATCH OUT, DUDE, THE TREE IS FALL...*crash*...ah, nevermind!
When You see it you'll shit sticks (really f-n big ones)
You won't shit bricks... you'll shit wood!
Anyone else think he did it on purpose to get a new truck outta the insurance company?
Chevy trucks. Definitely NOT like a rock!
i love it
guess who's truck that isn't
Honey, I shrunk the truck!
when you see it, you'll shit bricks
Honey!!! i got the chrismas tree!!!...
forest win
It'll buff out
am i the only one that sees wood up the guys a**
That poor truck!
when he shat that "small" piece of wood. who is responsible for that other one? oh a mexican:D
i bet you can say he's got....wood... YEEAAAHHHHHHH
Dang it! My coffee is in there!
NO. I see the dog too. :O Wtf.
nobody else sees the black man under the truck?