Fail Comments
Cudos to that guy for standing up for women.
Correction "some" women are not for decoration- LOL
That "guy" is a woman. "Cudos" is spelled "kudos." Boy is she ugly.
Sexism: Only the ugly bitches complain about it!! :D
anyone know the definition of irony?
Actually, the sign-holder is a chick.
mmm you mean that woman that looks like a guy?
the girl on the left?? SASKOUATCH WORKS FOR HOOTERS!!
Yes they are dammit
We know that's a women, retard. I swear, some people are just dumb as hell. That "guy" is a woman. "Cudos" is spelled "kudos." Boy is she ugly.
Nice point....now get back in the kitchen!
none of these women, at least.
It took me like a minute to notice that the person holding the sing is a WOMAN!!!!
It took me a minute to notice that the person who is holding the sign is a WOMAN!!!!****
Women are only good for three things : cooking, cleaning, and vagina
hey she right in this one...so i say she didn't fail and for that i give here 10 out a 10...it's becuze of today socity that girls think that ahve to be skinny and pretty in oreder to be accpected by the world...
... well, only the good looking ones are
How many idiots have to point out the sign holder is a woman. That is what makes the "guy" comment funny you F***tards.
she cant read so or understand english so it doesnt matter
Cudos to that guy for standing up for women.