Fail Comments
There are only 2 american continents North America and South America...... don't attempt to be smart
uhhh it goes LINE 1: "suaskravu terminali" 0.5 LINE 2: "dry cargo terminals" 0.5 LINE 3: "lejamkravu terminali" 2 LINE 4: "DRY CARGO TERMINALS" 2 HOW CAN THEY BOTH MEAL DRY CARGO TERMINALS IN ENGLISH AND BE AT DIFFERENT PLACES?!??!?!
To the sadly uninformed person who wrote "Speak American"... American is not a language. America is comprised of three continents, South, Central and North in which there are many countries and many languages. Please consider an education. The world will thank you for it.
the Inuits have over 30 different words for SNOW, so i dont really see the problem here
sauskravu means dry cargo, lejamkarvu means liquid cargo.. not dry cargo
There are only 2 american continents North America and South America...... don't attempt to be smart