Fail Comments
I told you to go to the bathroom before we came here!
is that their pee??? LOL
Swingers: You're doing it wrong! or Dogging... you're early!
i cannot see tom either... why do we let him sit in the middle?
husband-brother... i think my water dun broke
Quick....turn off the faucet to the yard!!!+
Moments later they were eaten by an alligator with a good sense of rhythm.
Honey, there was a "flash flooding."
FLOOD!!!!! everyone get on the swiiiiiiiiiiiiings!!!
On the outside they are sorry. On the inside they are wondering how it happened. WAY deep down they wish they could do it again
That actually looks like a lot of fun...
Chitters full
I miss mommy
I told you to go to the bathroom before we came here!