Fail Comments
A blue waffle anyone?
Tired of waiting until you get home to have sex? No problem! With Insta-gina, you can now have sex with anything, anywhere!
In case you want to dress up as the famous "Vagina Arm Man" for Halloween
Discount vagazzaling!
looks like an extreme stretched pussy, minus the clit
Meanwhile, in japan,
Oh is that what it's supposed to be
Introducing the new birth control pad! (Satyr)
From the makers of the hottest board game, Gash.
Just what i needed, a greasy axe wound.
Also doubles as a way to make your man run away in terror
Insta-pussy peel & stick order now and we will double the order absolutely free
Meanwhile, in japan,
That's a nasty looking gash
Now in limited vagina edition!
A blue waffle anyone?