Fail Comments
It's the final cuntdown!
Only till Midnight?
All units be advised, we have a cuntdown on 82nd street. possible multiple stab wounds.
This is the last place of its kind. That means it's... (puts sunglasses on) the final C(o)untdown. (YYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!)
your one stop shop
Cunt down! Its Lindsay Lohan she got shot
"open 6am-midnight" but there are 7-10 days out of the month in which they are not open
That Cunt's Down 7 Days a week from 6:00AM to 12:00PM
Pimp make everyone work even if their O can't
"Open 7 Days 6am - Midnight" makes it even funnier
It's the final cuntdown!