Fail Comments
Nigga stole my bike! Then a wild snorlax appeared and ate them both!
come on little bike you can do it
Riding without a helmet is dangerous to your health.
1 hour later...he got to the other side of the line
They see me rolling, they hating. Patrolling, they trying to catch me riding dirty!
poor bike...
High five to that tire company.
You should see what happens when he lifts his feet!
Where's the other one?
WARNING: This vehicle may brake suddenly for vittles
It looks like his ass is eating the seat
Oh no! A small hill. He's FUKED!
Ridin Dirty...
Oh, god... that poor, poor bike.
The Little Bike That Could
Should be fine if he crashes, boingy boingy roll roll slide He's OK!
Welcome to america
big man on little bike
Even the cars look small.
Where's his twin brother?
Hey look, it even has tiny mirrors so he can see how cool he looks. How cute.
White people...
Too big. He should split the task and make two trips to get there
I believe he is exceeding the occupancy for that vehicle.
Nigga stole my bike! Then a wild snorlax appeared and ate them both!