Fail Comments
We have two misfortunes in Russia - fools and roads. And it's so sad that our fools repairs our roads :)
carwash : your doing it wrong.. lol
In Soviet Russia guy gets joke about classic comedian references.
Don't worry they just found the hidden pipe to the under water level.
In soviet russia driveway parks on you
Drove in? looks more like a sink hole, the cars were parked.
How does that happen?
I did now know cars eat like ducks.
Son - did ya remember to fill in them potholes like ah said
I'm really fed up with the childish rant about "IN SOVIET RUSSIA" this and that! First of all, there hasn't been a Soviet Russia since 1922. Since it was Soviet Union and now Russia. Furthermore that "in Soviet Russia" is just plain childish. What are you, 10 yrs?
my pit of doom!
Women Conference hahaha
rest of world has sense of humour. in soviet russia we have humour of sense
YOU'RE doing it wrong.
What the hell is wrong with the second and third guy that drove in there
We have two misfortunes in Russia - fools and roads. And it's so sad that our fools repairs our roads :)