Fail Comments
That's it! I've had it with this motherfucking duct tape on this motherfucking plane!
Well, it already worked for the tires...
There I fixed it...
Hopefully there's no turbulence...
This is your captain speaking please don't apply pressure to the walls of the cabin, have a safe flight
Sir, We are having difficulty closing the exit doors, should we have it fixed? No, just put some ducktape on it. It costs too much money to repair it.
Duct tape will fix ANYTHING!
i don't usually fix things, but when i do i just duck tape it together and not give a shit for another year.
Red Neck Airlines
that would probably work
"Sir, are you comfortable and capable of assisting the crew and passengers exit in the even of an emergency?" "Uhh... yeah, I think I can pull a piece of tape.... yeah, I got it."
The tape is called "Speed tape!" (Source - Me, I'm an aircraft mechanic!)
Redneck Airlines
That's it! I've had it with this motherfucking duct tape on this motherfucking plane!