Fail Comments
I think this goes under the notion of the 'Not My Fucking Job' Award.
mother nature wins
LMAO fucking lazies XD
This picture is in the dictionary right next to the word "lazy".
nature lover!!!
Obviously union work, they didn't hire another guy to move it
ahshit you know what just go around it
"lets go on the 'HOLY CRAP A STICK, EVADE!!!!' road!!
это россия!!!
Hahaha! I LOLed when I saw this!
what? he did the right thing.
They didn't want the EPA on their asses about ruining habitat... So they improvised.
Not my job.
Meu irmao ese cara é preguiçoso pelo amor de deus WTF
I think this goes under the notion of the 'Not My Fucking Job' Award.